2 degrees 3g signal booster

2 Degrees 3G Signal Booster are in good demand in New Zealand. The reason for this huge demand is obvious. The signal of 2 Degrees is not stable everywhere. Hence, people living in poor signal areas and using 2 Degrees mobile networks have to look for a solution to get rid of the poor signal issues.

Fortunately, there is a solution and it’s called the mobile signal booster. At mobile booster New Zealand, we offer the best quality mobile signal boosters. Not to say that we also offer the best range of 2 Degrees Signal Boosters.

2 Degrees offer it’s 3G services on 2100 MHz frequency band like the other cellular providers in the country. We have been providing signal boosters in the country from 2006. So far we have sold over 10,000 units in New Zealand and every customer who bought from us vouch for our products and services.

Our 2 Degrees Signal Boosters can cover areas from 300 square meters and up to 5000 square meters in single units. You can obviously buy multiple units if you need to cover larger areas than 5000 square meters.

If you have any questions you can always connect with our team for more detail and help. Our team is always ready to help you with any questions you may have.

You can choose and buy the best 2 Degrees 3G Signal Booster from our range of 2 Degrees Signal Boosters. Our million customers love and trust us for helping them solve their connectivity issues.

Best part is you are covered by our 30 days money back guarantee, if you are not happy with the proudct. Besides that you also enjoy fast & free shipping in New Zealand.

  • Sale 5G
    Original price was: $1,100.Current price is: $770.
    300 SQM
    3500 MHz Signal Booster
    300 SQM
    3500 MHz Signal Booster
  • Sale All Voice & Data
    Original price was: $1,436.Current price is: $1,018.
    500 SQM
    700/900 MHz Signal Booster
    500 SQM
    700/900 MHz Signal Booster
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