4 things that are causing no mobile coverage

4 Things Causing No Mobile Coverage and Blocking Your Phone Signal

Nowadays, one would likely presume to have signal connectivity as natural as having coffee in the morning. Yet, many of us still face frustrating barriers that leave us with no mobile coverage when we need it most. Well then, how do you keep transmitting calls without noise interference and maintaining a good connection? Below, we outline four barriers that must interfere with your phone signal, and advice on how to eliminate them. Plus a little insight into how a mobile phone reception booster can turn your connectivity troubles into a thing of the past.

Physical Barriers Causing No Mobile Coverage

Physical Barriers Causing No Mobile Coverage

In many cases, a physical barrier could be the wicked villain that interferes with your calls and withers you out. Perhaps you’re in a facility that is located on top of a mountain, or perhaps you are in a valley, your location might be working against you. What’s more, even the building you’re in itself might be a signal-proof fortress.

In these disparate locations, if you can’t pick up the signal, perhaps it is time to consider a change of place. But before you set your sights on relocating to another place, open your windows and clear out anything that seems to be blocking the signal. See if you can get a better signal that way. You would not imagine how a bit of fresh air can work wonders.

So, if you’re curious about what can interfere with cell phone signal, you need to know that walls, metal works, and even appliances could definitely lead to no mobile coverage. Watch for these factors, and you might just enhance your chances of securing that tricky mobile signal.

The positioning of Cell Towers

The positioning of Cell Towers

If you’re situated far from your nearest cell tower, you might find yourself grappling with weak mobile signal issues. Your location in relation to these towers is crucial. Whether you’re too close, too high up, or too low can all affect your reception. Remember, cell towers are aimed in a certain direction, so if you’re behind one, good luck getting a signal.

To overcome this challenge, consider investing in a signal booster to enhance your mobile experience. These handy devices can amplify the existing signal, helping you dodge those frustrating moments of no mobile coverage. You can easily find mobile signal boosters online. Checking maps for cellular tower locations in NZ can also optimize your setup for the best possible reception.

The Number of People in an Area

The Number of People in an Area

The strength and quality of your mobile phone signal have a lot to do with where you live. If you live in a big city you may first experience low speeds at that time of the day when everyone and their grandmother is trying to watch videos. And let’s not even talk about events. Being in a crowd is like waving goodbye to your signal as it gets weaker with every extra person on the network.

If you’re wondering how to increase phone signal in such situations, try going down to 3G where fewer consumers are likely demanding their share of as much data as they can get. This can sometimes help to give you that extra boost you need.

If that doesn’t work, a signal booster might be your go-to, or you may want to consider relocating to a spot with better connectivity. Still, nobody wants to experience mobile coverage when they are trying to make a call or send a message.

How Weather Affects Mobile Coverage Issues

How Weather Affects Mobile Coverage Issues

Did you know that the weather can be a sneaky culprit behind your no-mobile coverage troubles? Yes, it turns out that the tricky no-mobile coverage problem could actually be caused by Mother Nature. When the weather is bad, it can effectively block the signal trying to reach your phone. Even trees in full bloom will stop the signal. In these cases, you’ll need to wait out the bad weather to get your signal back to normal. So, if you find yourself standing in the rain trying to make a call, don’t be surprised if your phone plays hard to get.

Sadly, there’s not much you can do except huddle under an awning and wait for the storm to slip right by. If bad weather weakens your signal, consider a mobile phone reception booster to improve connectivity during harsh conditions.

In the meantime, always follow the weather forecast as well. Having an idea when a storm is likely to occur can at least save you from those frustrating moments of no mobile coverage. After all, it is way easier to schedule your external activities knowing in advance how weather impacts the connection.


So there you have it! These are just a few reasons why your mobile signal might be playing hide and seek. Whether it’s physical barriers or weather disruptions, identifying these gaps can significantly improve your mobile signal connectivity.

It’s a good idea to purchase a mobile signal booster if your signal is in desperate need of some improvement. Learning these tips is a great way to be well-equipped to attain a better signal at your home. No more dropped calls and more connection with quality communication. For more information, please reach out to us, and let’s help you pick the perfect booster to unleash your signal’s true potential.

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